Android.permission.read_logs con errores
La producción
Is READ_LOGS a normal or dangerous Android permission .
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I am getting very conflicting information regarding the use of android.permission.READ_LOGS Android permission. Firstly, the Android Documentation website does not specify the protection level of this permission. It is neither classified as normal, nor dangerous. They do specify the following: Para dispositivos no rooteados, se puede otorgar el permiso READ_LOGS.
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permission.READ_LOGS" />
Error en android API 22 y 21 java.lang.RuntimeException .
"android.Manifest.permission.READ_LOGS". Allows read/write access to the "properties" table in the checkin database, to change values that get uploaded. Constant Value: "android.permission.ACCESS_CHECKIN_PROPERTIES". public static final String Although we cannot accept all submissions, we do read each suggested change from our users and will make updates where applicable.
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9 minutes to read.